Teaching poem is very important and useful to high school students that going through adolescence when they are very sensitive. But, they only have few chance to learned about poem. In this situation, “The Red hat” helps students not only to improve their understanding about parents love, but also to open their mind. So, “The Red hat” should be taught in high school. Several reasons why “The Red hat” should be taught are in this poem.
The first, this poem, generally all poems are also relevant, makes students to wake up their mind, and also It gives warm heart to students. Nowadays, having warm heart is very difficult, especially to having adolescence students, in despite of importance, because of many students just learned only major subject, Math, English, Korean, that must know very well if they want to go good university. Their whole attention zooms in only few subject. Therefore, it should be taught for students to awake their heart.
Secondly, It shows that parents love plentiful. It gives courage to students knowing parents love. “The Red hat” shows how parents love, how parents support their child. Every poem has their own theme, and many poems are also appeared parent love, especially it expresses this theme placidly, of course it shows that of a certainty. Generally, parents love is not outstanding to child. Many children don’t know their parent love until when they become parents. But, when students are studying about this poem, they will know their parents indirectly
Finally, if students learned this poem, they can express their feeling. Learning poem is process of expression emotion. It is mostly important thing for adolescence students. In this period students are undergoing confusing thought about all of things, such as what am i? what to do? how I express emotions? This drill will improve students ability to arrange their confusing thought and ensure expression. In addition it is useful tools to how to express their thought that unarranged more clearly, and specially beautifully.
So put together these things, We should teach poem to our students and encourage their works. and then our students will be making a living more worthy. it is also helpful to communicate with other person that have emotions as knowing feelings precisely.