2015년 10월 31일 토요일

How to we solve korean education system

English is worldwide language and more and more it become common language in some country and also secondary language. Anywhere we have chance to listen, speak, write, and read English. we always have influenced English culture such as movie, drama, song, education etc. Korea also is not exception, maybe more extreme than other country. Many korean spend time and money to learn English. Specially, Korean students who learn in korea public education system are related to this problem. Many Korean students have spent their money, time, attention for learning English, and also have trouble with it. This problem motivate me to ask some questions like  “what do other person think about this problem?”.
So, i made some question to classmates

-Methods section
In order to know how many people think that English is important, at first i asked question “if you are students, what part of English should be taught?”. As i know, old generation thought about only few part of English important like ‘Reading’ or students would be educated in few part of English. But, nowadays these old mind changed. Many classmate think that all part of English is important. This show that recent days, many people had different mind about English education.
Secondary,  to know what classmate have mind about korean education system, i asked some question such as “How many time students learn English for a week in school?”, “Do you think current education system is proper for students?”, “Do you think of which part of system is problem?”.  Surprisingly, many classmates think that current English education system is proper for students. This thing is very interesting! I expected that many people should be not satisfied current education system, but real research show that it is just rumor, not real. However even though current education system is proper, the most problem of the system is evaluation system (reference table.1). many people thought evaluation system should be changed from relative to absolute. next important problem is teacher’ qualification. Classmates think that finance is not real problem.

most problematic
very problematic
little problematic
not problematic

Even more, most classmates thought also current study environment should be fixed. Old study environment had been emphasising reading part, or focusing on grammatical part called traditional grammar, but now most classmates thinking and my expected, it will be changed reading and traditional grammar to speaking, writing, and more focus on reality.
To support students, classmates thought that teachers should have open mind. it is important that interact and communicate with between students and teachers. It gives students opportunity that improve their language ability and makes more comfortable situations.  

What do we know though this report? What is the problem in korean education system? Korea had been quite great develop in all of the area, but it is not enough to satisfaction. It was true that Korean education system achieved many goals which considered basic part.  However from now on we should re-think of our English education.
Now, we have a general idea about our problem. Traditional education system focused on grammatical ability or reading selection, otherwise speaking, writing and communication skills which more considered “practical” area treated a matter lightly or neglected. To re-build education system, we have enough money but we don’t have enough other sources which like teachers, report about test, etc. First, we should design new evaluation system which distinguishes and motivates student’s ability exactly and strongly. Secondly, we also effort to get good teacher who really loves, cheers up their students. Those systems that especially we need to make are not easy to concrete but, we should do.
On this report, we don’t solve all problem, but  we know what is the problem. It is important that what really happen and what is going on. I hope this report help more advanced research.

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