2015년 11월 17일 화요일

Week 12 Homework: What is different "Show" and Display" when it used to noun form

Thesis: What is different “Show” and “Display” when it used to noun form

We always express our view with our eyes. When we want to express our view, we usually use visual verbs like see, show, display etc. Visual verbs also used noun form, and It is related with “seeing”. However, what is different between visual noun especially “Show” and “Display” ? These visual word are used in many situations that describes seeing something. But, sometimes it is distinguished in conditions.

Have you ever listened “Show”? Show is more often related to the performance of someone. It is more familiar with our life. We often used that word when we want to describe exciting things like festival, TV program, one-man. It seems to be more close real-life that we usually act. However, Display is used in official or serious situation, otherwise Show is used when it is more exciting, easy than Display.  Important differences between Show and Display are what is subject. Show is used when It connects human like TV-Show, fashion show. But, Display is connected with non-human things. It can be harder than show

Show and Display is used in visual situation. but, these have difference in delicate situation. First, show is easy and unofficial situation than display. In other word, If show is used in  private and less authoritative situation, Display is used in public and more authoritative situation. Second, show is connect with human or human acting. But, display more connect with non-human situation and non-human acting.

Reference : The Corpus of Contemporary American English (COCA)http://corpus.byu.edu/coca/

                  Word And Phrase. Info http://www.wordandphrase.info/frequencyList.asp


This weekly homework is too difficult to me. Even though I do my best, i can’t organize homework writing more logically and  solidly. It discouraged me : (

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